Financial Learning For All Ages
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Economis is a web-based software application that creates a mini-economy for the purpose of teaching youth the basic concepts of economics and money management.
Students will receive a card to clock-in to earn credits for their activities and even use their credits to buy real-life items!
Every student will get to manage their own virtual checking & savings accounts, CD's & stocks.
In a world of mobile, Economis gives students the power to manage their own virtual checking & savings accounts, & CD's from their mobile device.
Lessons on financial literacy follow an important timeline throughout a student's educational career.
Upper Elementary children learn basic financial concepts such as wants and needs, and how earning money can help them purchase the things they want.
In middle school, students learn to examine how personal financial decisions affect their quality of life, as well as how the decisions they make may impact their world around them.
When students enter high school, they are ready to explore complex issues related to personal financial literacy that include the consequences of making bad investments, making long-term saving and budgeting plans.
These lessons prepare them for the promise and perils of the financial independence they will begin to experience in college or a career.
Together we can do things we never dreamed of doing alone.
Everyone is born with an innate sense of charity and compassion and it’s a muscle that we have to continue to work on throughout our lives. With Economis students can learn what it means to make a difference in the lives of their peers. They learn the value of working together and the potential to accomplish something extraordinary.
It’s easy to reprimand someone when they do something wrong, it’s much harder to praise them when they do something right
Students who grow up feeling good about themselves and their decisions develop healthy self-esteem and can feel good about their accomplishments. Using positive reinforcement can increase motivation to exceed expectations rather than get by with the minimum effort required to avoid punishment. Economis builds on that by allowing adults to give merits to students for their good work.